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Shipping & Fulfillment
Can I change the order address?
Where will my order be shipped from?
Which countries or regions require the recipient’s ID number?
How long does it take for my order to ship?
Will the odor of the product affect human health?
Ordered product parts but did not receive them
The recipient address is a remote area
How do I set fast shipping as the default shipping method?
My order showed as delivered, but I still haven't received it
Can I make the phone number optional on my website?
How long does it take for product shipping?
Where can I find the shipping cost of a product?
How do I know how the product is packaged?
My order is damaged
There are stains on the product
The order appears to have been delivered, but the customer has not received it.
The stitching color of the product is wrong
The order was shipped in the wrong size
My order has wrinkles
My order is not fully printed
My order is printed in the wrong color
Why do the shoes I ordered have little protruding dots?
I found that the delivery address was filled in incorrectly.
Where can I check the tracking number for an order?